Coaching Services

At times, a client may need a tune-up or have a more specific issue to work with that is outside of traditional framework. Theresa has miles of experience, an open and compassionate nature, and is a deep listener. She often hears what isn’t being said. When a client feels their creative flow is diverted and is looking for guidance and support in getting back on track, she can assist.
At times, a walk or overnight with Nature is the perfect tonic. Arrangements are tailored to a client’s needs.
An entrepreneur before reaching double digits, Theresa spearheaded highly successful reboot and reorganization projects for various businesses. Her professional career history includes employment in accounting and legal positions. With an ethically creative and professionally strong background, she truly enjoys a worthwhile project. Have an interesting, rewarding venture requiring new vision or challenged on how best to move forward? Discussion is welcome.
Licensed in Washington State, Theresa assists sellers in releasing and moving on to their next home or adventure. Her goal is to sell properties she loves, and connecting a buyer with the perfect property. Prior to becoming a REALTOR®, she sold three family homes and a business. She has an affinity for pre-1970’s homes, vacation homes, and commercial properties.