Conscious Uncoupling

The Conscious Uncoupling Process….
Discover a better way to breakup!
If you’re in the midst of a painful breakup or divorce or still suffering with unresolved grief over a past breakup, the groundbreaking Conscious Uncoupling process, created by marriage and family therapist and New York Times Bestselling Author, Katherine Woodward Thomas, can lead you from heartache to wholeness in 5 simple and highly transformative steps.
Discover how you can find relief from breakup grief, reclaim your personal power and create your “happily even after” life through this celebrated method that has already helped thousands transform their sorrow into strength and their pain into newfound power.
In The Conscious Uncoupling Process, you will:
- Learn a conscious and honorable way to uncouple from your former partner
- Experience a reprieve from breakup trauma and overwhelming heart pain
- Rediscover your own worthiness to love and be loved
- Be set free from festering resentment
- Be empowered to evolve beyond any habitual disappointing patterns in love
- Awaken to your power to create happier and healthier patterns in love moving forward
As a Certified Conscious Uncoupling Coach, personally mentored by Katherine Woodward Thomas, I will guide you through this proven 5-Step-Process:
Step One: Find Emotional Freedom
Learn to transform your destructive emotions into the constructive drivers of positive change and set your course to use your heartache as a catalyst for your evolution and liberation.
Step Two: Reclaim Your Power and Your Life
Begin to understand yourself as the source of your suffering in a way that will free you from ever repeating that dynamic again and become empowered to evolve beyond any painful patterns in love.
Step Three: Break the Pattern, Heal Your Heart
Discover your power to graduate from your destructive patterns in love and begin creating a new possibility of happy, healthy love for your future.
Step Four: Become a Love Alchemist
Grow your ability to consciously and honorably complete your relationship so that you are free to move forward with a light and liberated heart.
Step Five: Create Your Happily Even After Life
Generate new agreements and structures that will set all involved up to win moving forward.
“Broken hearts, like broken legs, need a lot of tending to in order to properly heal.”
Conscious Uncoupling: 5 Steps to Living Happily Even After
5 Steps to Living Happily EvenAfter
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